ART Treatment

Active Relase Techniques

$75 per 30 - More Info.

KOOB Chiropractic - (907) 283 5414

Active Release Techniques® provides a means to effectively and rapidly resolve stressful repetative strain injuries without surgical intervention, and allows patients to quickly return to their normal activities.

What is Active Release Techniques® ?

ART® providers use their hands and patient motion to effectively reestablish motion between fascial planes, thus reducing fibrous adhesions and reestablishing neural and myofascial glide between tissues. ART® is a patented, state of the art soft tissue case-management system that allows a practitioner to diagnose and treat the underlying causes of a variety of soft tissue problems. There are over 500 specific protocols that are unique to ART® and include advanced long tract nerve entrapment procedures.

What conditions does ART® effectively treat ?
ART® has a 90% success rate in effective in treatment of peripheral nerve pain, repetitive strain injuries or cumulative injury disorders. Some types of soft tissue dysfunctions include: post-surgical recovery , carpal tunnel syndrome, lateral epicondylitis, frozen shoulder, impingement syndromes, whiplash, IT Band syndrome, sciatica and plantar fascitis.

What patients are best served by Active Release Techniques®?

• Anyone suspected of a soft tissue injury that responds poorly or slowly to conventional treatment.
• Someone that has responded to conventional treatment but has plateaued before complete resolution.
• Symptoms of pain, numbness, tingling, aching, burning, pulling, and decreased range of motion.
• When all conventional tests (MRI, CT, EMG, blood work) are negative, yet the symptoms persist. There are no technological tests for soft tissue problems. Usually, they are best well determined by palpation for altered tissue texture, tension, and movement.

Why Active Release Techniques® ?

Patients can expect a minimum of a 20% decrease in pain symptoms or increase of ROM at the first 30 minutes of examination and treatment.

•ART® locates and treats the root cause of the problem.
•Many soft tissues problems can be resolvaed in 4 to 8 treatments.
•Expect biomechanical analysis and treatment of the problems with the problems kinetic chain.
•ART® brings permanent resolution to conditions that have been considered untreatable.
•The patient is educated with strategies to stop the condition from returning.
•Physicians can expect detailed reports of patient progress. Reports include: initial evaluation, examination, impression and treatment plan.
•Dave refers back to your office upon completion of the treatment plan so you maintain control of your patients care.
What ART® is not.
ART® is not massage therapy. ART® is not rolfing. ART® is not physiotherapy. ART® is not chiropractic care. ART® is not surgery. ART® is not like other soft-tissue or myofascial techniques.

What makes an ART® treatment so different?
ART® is a true hands-on treatment and requires a great deal of tactile sensitivity in order to locate, treat and finally feel the release of soft tissue restrictions and nerve impingements. During an ART® treatment, the practitioner must literally feel soft tissue structures and they translate and glide over each other. ART® uses very specific treatment protocols which are varied case by case to address a patients condition appropriately. ART® is not a cookie-cutter approach.